
Urine can be one of three colours. Dark yellow, bright yellow, or clear. It can also be brown, but that's bad news because that means that you're bleeding down there. You should see a doctor about that.

If your urine is dark yellow, that means that you are dehydrated, You should drink some water. Water is best. It is, after all, what you need. Anything that isn't just water will have other things in it that your body may or may not need. Some of those things, like caffeine, can dehydrate you even more. Don't drink stuff with caffeine in it when you're dehydrated. Drink water. Water is best.

Your hydration level is shown by how dark your urine is. The more dehydrated you are, the darker your urine. As you drink more water, the colour of your urine gets lighter, until when you are fully hydrated your urine is clear.

If you continue to drink water after this point, you may become overhydrated. This means that you pee. A lot. Your bladder will just keep refilling pretty much continuously. If you get to this point, you should stop drinking water. Ideally you should stop before you get to this point. You'll have to practice this.

You'll also have to practice keeping your body at that point for long periods of time. This will involve drinking small amounts of water regularly. Once you get the hang of it, you can keep your body at that point - just before overhydration - just before the point of needing to pee a lot. And that's a good thing, because that's you and your body working together.

If your urine turns bright yellow, it means that you have a surplus of something. Usually a vitamin. This colour of yellow is quite distinct from the yellow scale that indicates your hydration. You'll recognise it when you see it.

If you take a vitamin supplement and your urine has this shade of bright - almost fluorescent - yellow, then you didn't need to take that supplement. Whatever it's giving you, you already have. The rest gets dumped straight into the urine. That's what turns it this particular shade. There's probably nothing physically wrong with continuing to take the supplement, but it's a waste of money.

Monitoring your urine colour is an important factor in your self-monitoring practice. Your hydration level in particular affects your mental and physical performance in many ways. If you are dehydrated, your muscles stop working properly. You will tire more easily. Eventually you will black out. If this happens to you, it's bad news. You will wake up in hospital. Avoid it by dilligently monitoring your urine colour.


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